- Steps:
1. Add JQuery and ribob JavaScript references into master page
2. Add ribbon menu html tab into master page
If use JQuery 1.4.2, you will get following error (
$(".ribbon-list div ul:visible").parent().offset() is null
Please use following script to replace jquery.ribbon.js.
///<reference path="jquery-1.3.2-vsdoc2.js" /> /* Copyright (c) 2009 Mikael Söderström. Contact: Feel free to use this script as long as you don't remove this comment. */ (function ($) { var isLoaded; var isClosed; $.fn.Ribbon = function (ribbonSettings) { var settings = $.extend({ theme: 'windows7' }, ribbonSettings || {}); $('.ribbon a').each(function () { if ($(this).attr('accesskey')) { $(this).append('<div rel="accesskeyhelper" style="display: none; position: absolute; background-image: url(images/accessbg.png); background-repeat: none; width: 16px; padding: 0px; text-align: center; height: 17px; line-height: 17px; top: ' + $(this).offset().top + 'px; left: ' + ($(this).offset().left + $(this).width() - 15) + 'px;">' + $(this).attr('accesskey') + '</div>'); } }); $('head').append('<link href="/ribbon/themes/' + settings.theme + '/ribbon.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />'); if (!isLoaded) { SetupMenu(settings); } $(document).keydown(function (e) { ShowAccessKeys(e); }); $(document).keyup(function (e) { HideAccessKeys(e); }); function SetupMenu(settings) { $('.menu li a:first').addClass('active'); $('.menu li ul').hide(); $('.menu li a:first').parent().children('ul:first').show(); $('.menu li a:first').parent().children('ul:first').addClass('submenu'); $('.menu li > a').click(function () { ShowSubMenu(this); }); $('.orb').click(function () { ShowMenu(); }); $('.orb ul').hide(); $('.orb ul ul').hide(); $('.orb li ul li ul').show(); $('.orb li li ul').each(function () { $(this).prepend('<div style="background-color: #EBF2F7; height: 25px; line-height: 25px; width: 292px; padding-left: 9px; border-bottom: 1px solid #CFDBEB;">' + $(this).parent().children('a:first').text() + '</div>'); }); $('.orb li li a').each(function () { if ($(this).parent().children('ul').length > 0) { $(this).addClass('arrow') } }); //$('.ribbon-list div').each(function() { $(this).parent().width($(this).parent().width()); }); $('.ribbon-list div').parents().click(function (e) { var inX = true; if ($('.ribbon-list div ul').has(':visible').length > 0) { var p = $('.ribbon-list div ul').has(':visible').parent(); var outsideX = e.pageX < p.offset().left || e.pageX > p.offset().left + p.width(); var outsideY = e.pageY < p.offset().top || e.pageY > p.offset().top + p.height(); if (outsideX || outsideY) inX = true; else inX = false; } if (inX) { $('.ribbon-list div ul:visible').each(function () { $(this).fadeOut('fast'); }); $('.ribbon-list div').css('background-image', ''); } }); $('.ribbon-list div').parents().click(function (e) { var $ulParent = $('.ribbon-list div ul:visible').parent(); if ($ulParent.length) { var outsideX = e.pageX < $ulParent.offset().left || e.pageX > $ulParent.offset().left + $ulParent.width(), outsideY = e.pageY < $ulParent.offset().top || e.pageY > $ulParent.offset().top + $ulParent.height(); if (outsideX || outsideY) { $('.ribbon-list div ul:visible').each(function () { $(this).fadeOut('fast'); }); $('.ribbon-list div').css('background-image', ''); } } }); $('.orb li li a').mouseover(function () { ShowOrbChildren(this); }); $('.menu li > a').dblclick(function () { $('ul .submenu').animate({ height: "hide" }); $('body').animate({ paddingTop: $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().height() }); isClosed = true; }); } $('.ribbon').parents().click(function (e) { var outsideX = e.pageX < $('.orb ul:first').offset().left || e.pageX > $('.orb ul:first').offset().left + $('.orb ul:first').width(); var outsideY = e.pageY < $('.orb ul:first img:first').offset().top || e.pageY > $('.orb ul:first').offset().top + $('.orb ul:first').height(); if (outsideX || outsideY) $('.orb ul').fadeOut('fast'); }); if (isLoaded) { $('.orb li:first ul:first img:first').remove(); $('.orb li:first ul:first img:last').remove(); $('.ribbon-list div img[src*="/images/arrow_down.png"]').remove(); } $('.orb li:first ul:first').prepend('<img src="ribbon/themes/' + settings.theme + '/images/menu_top.png" style="margin-left: -10px; margin-top: -22px;" />'); $('.orb li:first ul:first').append('<img src="ribbon/themes/' + settings.theme + '/images/menu_bottom.png" style="margin-left: -10px; margin-bottom: -22px;" />'); $('.ribbon-list div').each(function () { if ($(this).children('ul').length > 0) { $(this).append('<img src="ribbon/themes/' + settings.theme + '/images/arrow_down.png" style="float: right; margin-top: 5px;" />') } }); //Hack for IE 7. if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('MSIE 6.0') > -1 || navigator.appVersion.indexOf('MSIE 7.0') > -1) { $(' li li div').css('width', '90px'); $('').css('width', '500px'); $('').css('float', 'left'); $(' .submenu li div.ribbon-list').css('width', '100px'); $(' .submenu li div.ribbon-list div').css('width', '100px'); } $('a[href=' + window.location.hash + ']').click(); isLoaded = true; function ResetSubMenu() { $('.menu li a').removeClass('active'); $('.menu ul').removeClass('submenu'); $('.menu li ul').hide(); } function ShowSubMenu(e) { var isActive = $(e).next().css('display') == 'block'; ResetSubMenu(); $(e).addClass('active'); $(e).parent().children('ul:first').addClass('submenu'); $(e).parent().children('ul:first').show(); $('body').css('padding-top', '120px'); isClosed = false; } function ShowOrbChildren(e) { if (($(e).parent().children('ul').css('display') == 'none' || $(e).parent().children('ul').length == 0) && $(e).parent().parent().parent().parent().hasClass('orb')) { $('.orb li li ul').fadeOut('fast'); $(e).parent().children('ul').fadeIn('fast'); } } function ShowMenu() { $('.orb ul').animate({ opacity: 'toggle' }, 'fast'); } function ShowAccessKeys(e) { if (e.altKey) { $('div[rel="accesskeyhelper"]').each(function () { $(this).css('top', $(this).parent().offset().top).css('left', $(this).parent().offset().left - 20 + $(this).parent().width()); $(this).show(); }); } } function HideAccessKeys(e) { $('div[rel="accesskeyhelper"]').hide(); } } })(jQuery);
If still do not show up, please double check following line, make sure themes files location is correct
$('head').append('<link href="/ribbon/themes/' + settings.theme + '/ribbon.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />');